quien me ve.....

26 octubre 2018

Tarjeta sin fin

Tarjeta sin fin
Never ending card

Hola mis querid@s scraper@s
Hello my dear scrapers

En esta oportunidad os traigo una tarjeta sin fin o multiples caras.
In this opportunity I bring you a never ending card or multiple faces card

Es la primera vez que realizo una tarjeta de este tipo y la verdad es que me ha gustado mucho lo que he conseguido.
It is the first time I have made a card of this type and the truth is that I really liked what I have achieved.

La tarjeta se llama sin fin, porque puedes darle vueltas y vueltas y mas vueltas y nunca paras de darle vueltas, consta de 4 caras que van apareciendo en cada una de las vueltas que le das ala tarjeta. Os prometo que mas delante os preparare un tutorial, es muy sencilla y no neceitas de herramientas especiales para realizarla.
The card is called never ending because you can go around and around and around and you never stop spinning it, it has 4 faces that appear in each of the laps you give the card. I promise that more ahead I will prepare you a tutorial, it is very simple and you do not need special tools to do it.

Esta es mi tarjeta....
This is my card....

Con esta tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos
With this card I participate in the following challenges

Reto tarjetero de Locas por el scrap

Reto mes de octubre ´18: HALLOWEEN de Colouring in Scrapland

02 septiembre 2018

Thanks number 10!

Thanks 10!

Listo!! Este ya es el ultimo Tag!
Ready!! This is the last Tag!

He dejado para el final uno de mis favoritos, simple y elegante
 I left for the end one of my favorites, simple and elegant

He empleado una carpeta de embossing y troqueles de elipses, ademas del sello de silicona
 I have used an embossing folder and elliptical dies, in addition to a clear stamp

Espero os hayan gustado todos y suerte a los que sois seguidores de mi pagina de facebook porque participareis en el sorteo.
 I hope you have all liked and luck to those who are followers of my facebook page because you will participate in the raffle.

Con este tag participo en los siguientes retos:
With this tag I participate in the following challenges

CAS- Clean and Simple de papers mooches

CHALLENGE #89 de lil patch of crafty friends

Pixie's Snippets Playground - Challenge #334 de pixies crafty workshop

Challenge 213 Anything Goes / Optional Twist Clean and Simple de 613 avenue create

a2z Scrapbooking September 2018 Challenge de a2z Scrapbooking

September 2018 Challenge de Your Scrapbook Place

Thanks number 9

Thanks 9!

Este ya es el penultimo tag, y voy a contra reloj porque ya es hora de preparar las actividades que tenemos pensadas para celebrar los 1000 suscriptores.

This is already the last tag, and I'm going against the clock because it is time to prepare the activities we have designed to celebrate the 1000 subscribers.

Este Tag esta realizado segun el sketch de un reto.
This Tag is made according to the sketch of a challenge

Particularmente me encanta el troquel y !!mas aun el cafe!!
Particularly I love the die and, even more, the coffee !!

Con este tag participo en estos retos
With this tag I participate in these challenges

PCC305: Sketch Challenge de paper craft crew

CHALLENGE 8#: ANYTHING GOES AUGUST de the corrosive challenge

Retarte Challenge 126 – The Cutting Cafe de stampart papel drive

Anything goes challenge de crafty sentiments designs

September Anything Goes Challenge #55 de cards galore challenges

A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge #75 - Anything Goes de A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge

Scrapy Land {Challenge #96} de scrapy land challenges

Challenge 151 de Creative Moments

Thanks number 8

Thanks 8!
We are already finishing, this is the antepenultimate tag of the series, although we have already reached our goal of 1000 likes and / or 1000 subscribers on our facebook page.
We are already finishing, this is the antepenultimate tag of the series, to pear that we have already reached our goal of 1000 likes and / or 1000 subscribers on our facebook page.

Este tag es muy simple pero en ello esta su encanto, su atractivo principal esta en el sello empleado que nos proporciona de forma sutil pero a la vez concisa el siognificado es este tag "gracias" 

This tag is very simple but in it its charm, its main attraction is in the seal used that gives us a subtle but at the same time concise the siognificado this tag "thank you" 

Con este tag participo en estos retos
With this tag I participate in these challenges

CHALLENGE 8#: ANYTHING GOES AUGUST de the corrosive challenge

Retarte Challenge 126 – The Cutting Cafe de stampart papel drive

Anything goes challenge de crafty sentiments designs

September Anything Goes Challenge #55 de cards galore challenges

a2z Scrapbooking September 2018 Challenge de a2z Scrapbooking Blog

A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge #75 - Anything Goes de A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge

Scrapy Land {Challenge #96} de scrapy land challenges

Challenge 151 de Creative Moments

01 septiembre 2018

Thanks number 7

Thanks 7!!!!

Hola Scrape@s:
Hi scraper@s:

Tag numero 7, ya estamos finalizando.....
Tag number 7, we are already finishing ..... 

El encanto de este tag es la superposicion de elementos, espero os guste!!! 
The charm of this tag is the superposition of elements, I hope you like it! 

Con este tag participamos en estos retos 
With this tag we participate in these challenges

challenge # 19 - animals / Tiere de papercraft challenges

August 2018 Anything Goes Challenge! de crafting by designs

L is for Leaves de alphabet challenge blog

QKR Stampede Challenge #311 Anything Goes de QKR stampede

Challenge #75: Anything Goes de lemon shortbread challenge blog

CHALLENGE 24 Theme Anything Goes de creates and makes challenge blog

PIP Challenge 1834 de pammie's inky pinkies challenges

The Three Muses Challenge - BIRDS de The Three Muses Challenge

Favourite non-card project and WHY de as you like it challenge, show as your style!
Aqui nos piden que expliquemos por que hemos elejido realizar un proyecto que no es una tarjeta.
Hemos elejido realizar una serie de tags porque queremos obsequier algo que se pueda emplear con diversos fines y no sea simplemente un recuerdo de una ocasion en particular. Un tag se emplea para marcar cosas, bien sea recordatorios de tareas pendientes, de marca libros, en fin.... puntos donde queremos llamar la atencion.
Here they ask us to explain why we have chosen to carry out a project that is not a card. We have chosen to make a series of tags because we want to see something that can be used for various purposes and is not simply a memory of a particular occasion. A tag is used to mark things, be it reminders of pending tasks, brand books, finally .... points where we want to draw attention.

thanks number 6

Thanks 6!!!

Hola scraper@s
Hi scraper@s

Este es el 6to tag, ya estamos muy cerca.. tenemos 1001 seguidores y 991 me gusta, el reto eran 1000 seguidores y 1000 me gusta asi que es hora de terminar de subir el resto de los tag que sortearemos cuando alcancemos nuestra meta.

This is the 6th tag, we are already very close .. we have 1001 followers and 991 likes, the challenge was 1000 followers and 1000 I like it so it's time to finish uploading the rest of the tags that we will raffle when we reach our goal.

En este tag he empleado un sello de magnolia, por lo que es bastante juvenil y fresco, espero os guste...
In this tag I used a magnolia stamp, so it is quite young and fresh, I hope you like it ... 

Con este tag, participo en los sigientes retos:
With this tag, I participate in the following challenges:

Challenge 149 de pattie's creations challenge

August 2018 Anything Goes Challenge! de crafting by designs

Challenge #196 Anything Goes! de little miss mufft challenges

QKR Stampede Challenge #311 Anything Goes de QKR stampede

Challenge #75: Anything Goes de lemon shortbread challenge blog

CHALLENGE 24 Theme Anything Goes de creates and makes challenge blog

PIP Challenge 1834 de pammie's inky pinkies challenges

Favourite non-card project and WHY de as you like it challenge, show as your style!
Aqui nos piden que expliquemos por que hemos elejido realizar un proyecto que no es una tarjeta.
Hemos elejido realizar una serie de tags porque queremos obsequier algo que se pueda emplear con diversos fines y no sea simplemente un recuerdo de una ocasion en particular. Un tag se emplea para marcar cosas, bien sea recordatorios de tareas pendientes, de marca libros, en fin.... puntos donde queremos llamar la atencion.
Here they ask us to explain why we have chosen to carry out a project that is not a card. We have chosen to make a series of tags because we want to see something that can be used for various purposes and is not simply a memory of a particular occasion. A tag is used to mark things, be it reminders of pending tasks, brand books, finally .... points where we want to draw attention.

26 agosto 2018

Thanks number 5

Thanks 5!!!

Hi Scrape@s

Este es el 5to Tag! de la serie de 10 que estoy preparando para sortear al llegar a 1000 seguidores en Facebook
This is the 5th Tag! of the series of 10 that I am preparing to raffle when reaching 1000 followers on Facebook

En este Tag he empleado 3 troqueles de corte y un sello, es un proyecto bastante simple porque los troquelados son muy completos y le dan vida a la tarjeta por si mismos.
In this Tag I have used 3 cutting dies and a stamp, it is a quite simple project because the die cuts are very complete and give life to the card by themselves.

Con este Tag participo en los siguientes retos:
With this Tag I participate in the following challenges:

25 agosto 2018

Thanks number 4

Thanks 4!!!

Hola Scraper@s:
Hi Scraper@s:

Esta es la cuarta entrada de la serie de 10 Tags para agradecer los 1000 suscriptores.
This is the fourth entry of the 10 Tags series to thank the 1000 subscribers.

Para realizarlo he empleado perforadoras para las cenefas y troqueles de corte para el recuadro y la palabra "Thanks". En este Tag he incluido: cinta de encaje, algunas piedras y un buho..To do this I have used drills for the borders and cutting dies for the box and the word "Thanks". In this Tag I have included: lace ribbon, some stones and an owl.

Con este Tag participo en los siguientes retos:
With this Tag I participate in the following challenges:

CHALLENGE #59 - HARD AS STONE de lost coast portal to creativity
Challenge #78 Dies and or Punches de cardz 4 galz
#210 Anything Goes + A Sentiment de aud sentiments challenge blog
#tgifc174 Product Spotlight - Feelin' Punchy de tgif challenges
Gast Designer Challenge 1 de carlin's kaartenparadijs
Challenge #74: Anything Goes de lemon short bread challenge
Take It Make It Challenge: August de craft stamper
Morgan's Artworld Open Challenge #08 - 1st August 2018 de morgan's art world open challenge
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge August #08 - Theme Always Anything Goes de A Perfect Time To Craft
A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge #74 - "Anything Goes" de a bit more time to craft challange

Thanks number 3

Thanks 3!!!!!

Hola Scraper@s

Hi Scraper@s:

Esta es la tercera entrada de la serie de 10 Tags para agradecer los 1000 suscriptores.
This is the third entry of the 10 Tags series to thank the 1000 subscribers.

Para realizarlo he empleado varios troqueles de corte (de los que he recibido y aun no habia utilizado), en esta oportunidad para la palabra "Thanks" he empleado un sello que impreso con tinta blanca.
To make it I used several cutting dies (of which I have received and I had not used), in this opportunity for the word "Thanks" I used a stamp  with white ink.

Con este Tag participo en los siguientes retos:
With this Tag I participate in the following challenges:

Challenge #78 Dies and or Punches de cardz 4 galz
#210 Anything Goes + A Sentiment de aud sentiments challenge blog
Challenge 72 de always fun challenges
Four's creativo # 212 - sólo 3 colores / solo 3 colores de creative friday
Challenge #74: Anything Goes de lemon short bread challenge
Morgan's Artworld Open Challenge #08 - 1st August 2018 de morgan's art world open challenge
A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge August #08 - Theme Always Anything Goes de A Perfect Time To Craft
Take It Make It Challenge: August de craft stamper
A Bit More Time To Craft Challenge #74 - "Anything Goes" de a bit more time to craft challange
Gast Designer Challenge 1 de carlin's kaartenparadijs

22 agosto 2018

Thanks number 2

Thanks parte 2

Aqui el segundo...
Here the second ...

En este tag he empleado mas troqueles nuevos, y es que tengo tanto tiempo que no realizo proyectos para los retos, que se me han acumulado las cosas nuevas por estrenar....
In this tag I have used more new dies, and I have so much time that I do not make projects for the challenges, that I have accumulated new things for brand new ....

Y estos son los retos en los que participo

And these are the challenges in which I participate

Challenge 72 "Tags" de always fun challenges

Challenge 90 de crafty friends

HIMCR #366 - Use Die Cuts! de hiding in my craftroom

Challenge 42 de crafting with an attitude

A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge August #08 - Theme Always Anything Goes de A Perfect Time To Craft

Classic Design Team Open August Challenge # 8 de classic design team challenge blog

Morgan's Artworld Open Challenge #08 "Anything Goes" de morgan's art world open challenge

21 agosto 2018



Falta muy poco para tener 1.000 seguidores en facebook y ya he preparado el primero de una serie de 10 que sorteare entre los seguidores de mi pagina de Facebook una vez hayamos alcanzado los 1000 seguidores.

There is very little to have 1,000 followers on Facebook and I have prepared the first of a series of 10 tags that I will raffle among the followers of my Facebook page once we have reached 1000 followers.

Como es habitual participaré con este tag en los siguientes retos:

As usual, I will participate with this tag in the following challenges:

Challenge # 33 Anything Goes de craftaholics ru s

Challenge #195 Anything Goes! de little miss muffet challenges

Challenge 72 "Tags" de always fun challenges

HIMCR #366 - Use Die Cuts! de hiding in my craftroom

Challenge 42 de crafting with an attitude

Challenge 90 de crafty friends

19 agosto 2018


Hola scraper@s

Nunca dejes de soñar.... Este es el mensaje de mi niuevo trabajo

Never stop dreaming ... This is the message of my new work

Con esta trajeta, participo en :
With this card, I playin:

Challenge #285 - Sketch de Cas colors & sketches

Challenge #372 - Anything Goes de crafty creations challenges

Challenge 150 de Creative Moments

TTCRD Anything goes Challenge de through the craftroom

13 agosto 2018

Good times

Hola scraper@s

Tengo sellos nuevos y no me he podido resistir a estrenar al menos uno.
I have new stamps and I could not resist to release at least one.

 A que es encantador?.... y es que no habeis visto el resto! 
What is lovely? .... and is that you have not seen others!

Aqui os dejo el primero...
Here I leave the first ...

Con esta tarjeta participo en estos retos:

With this card, I play in these challenges:

Something New Card Challenge de cards in envy

August Challenge de your scrapbook place

Challenge #8 Anything Goes de digi doodle studios challenge blog

Challenge 542 - Charms! de cute card thursday

Take It Make It August Challenge: Inspiration de craft stamper

Challenge #8 de crafter's castle

August Anything Goes Challenge! de catch the bug challenge blog

CAS Game #121 - Friendship de AAA car

12 agosto 2018

Believe in your dreams

Hola scraper@s:

Acabo de recibir este troquel y no me he podido resistir en probarlo. Trae la chca mas 2 vestidos y accesorios!
I just received this die and I could not resist trying it. The girl comes plus 2 dresses and accessories!

Con esta tarjeta participo en los sigueintes retos:
With this card I participate in the following challenges:

#209 For The Girls + A Sentiment de aud sentiments challenge blog

Retarte Challenge 125 – Anything Goes de stampart papel

08 agosto 2018


A sido el cumpleaños de una amiga a la que aprecio muchisimo, y no podia faltar su tarjetas de felicitacion.

It has been the birthday of a friend who I really appreciate, and I could not miss her greeting cards.

Como le preparamos una fiesta sorpresa ha sido una tarjeta para que pudieran firmarla y dedicarsela todos los que asistieron.

As we prepared a surprise party has been a card so that they could sign it and dedicate it all who attended.

Es un formato de tarjeta diferente, pero piesno que ahi esta gran parte de su encanto.

It's a different card format, but I think that's a big part of its charm.

Para la realizacion emplee variosde mis troqueles de flores para realizar los petalos de las flores con hoja de libros viejos, el reultado lo podeis ver aqui:

For the realization I used several of my flower dies to make the petals of the flowers with sheet of old books, the result you can see here:

La tarjeta es un gran tag con adornos en los laterales y los bordes envejecidos al igual que el original sobre de bolsillo

Con este proyecto participo en los siguietes retos:

Challenge #32 Anything Goes de Pause dream enyoy challenges

#209 For The Girls + A Sentiment de aud sentiments challenge blog

PIP Challenge 1831 de pammie's inky pinkies challenges

Challenge #332-Anything Goes de fantabulous cricut challenge blog

CHALLENGE #87 de lil patch of crafty friendschallenge

Challenge 212 Anything Goes / Optional Twist Magic/ Fantasy de 603 avenue create

PBSC August - Anything Goes...Optional 'On the Move'! de Peny black saturday challenge

05 agosto 2018


Llevo unos meses sin publicar nada y es que me he tomado un descanso para organizar multiples cosas en mi vida....
I have not published anything for a few months and it is because I have taken a break to organize multiple things in my life ....

Al fin, ya todo esta bien encaminado y puedo retomar mi pasion....
At last, everything is well underway and I can resume my passion ....

He realizado varios proyectos estos meses pero no han sido de scapbooking, en otro post os hablare un poco de ellos.
I have done several projects these months but they have not been scapbooking, in another post I will talk a little about them.

Y en esta  oportunidad os traigo una tarjeta que he elaborado con unos troqueles que acabo de recibir.
And in this opportunity I bring you a card that I have made with some dies that I just received.

Con esta tarjeta participo en estos retos:
With this card I participate in these challenges:

Sketches #464 de tuesday morning sketches blogspot

Anything Goes de  crafty sentiments blogspot

Challenge #303 - Holiday de addicted to stamps challenge blogspot

July Challenge de christmas at sweet stamp in challenge blog

08 enero 2018

Belive in the Magic of the Seasons

Hola Scraper@s
Hi Scraper@s

Esta tarjeta la elabore, porque a pesar de que se acaban de terminar la vacaciones navideñas, el invierno aun esta con nosotros, y en particular aqui en España, este fin de semana ha sido particularmente nevado.
I made this card, because despite the fact that the Christmas holidays have just ended, winter is still with us, and particularly here in Spain, this weekend has been particularly snowy.

Para realizar esta tarjeta he empleado sellos de silicona para la niña, el pingüino y el pensamiento. Y para los copos de nieve y las ramas, troqueles. La niña y el pingüino los coloreé con marcadores a base de alchohol. Y como toque final agregué un poco de purpurina.
To make this card I used clear stamps for the girl, the penguin and the thought. And for snowflakes and branches, dies.I colored the girl and the penguin with markers based on alchohol. And as a final touch I added a bit of glitter.

Con esta tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos:
With this card I participate in the following challenges:

Reto de enero de GargamellScrap.
Reto de enero de Scrap, 12 pasos para no parar.
Challenge #205 Anything Goes / Twist Something New (Baby,Home,Job,Stash) de Avenue 613 Create.
Challenge #24 - Anything Goes de pearly sparkles challenge blog
Retarte 112 – Anything Goes de Stampsrtpapel
Anything Goes Challenge No. 141 de inspiration destination challenge blog
Challenge 156 ~ Anything Goes de crafty gals corner
Do or Use Something New de die-cut-divas

bienvenido 2018

Hola scraper@s:
Hello scraper@s:

Estaba desaparecida desde el año pasado, cuanto tiempo!!
I was missing since last year, how long!

El final del 2017 estuvo cargado de muchos proyectos nuevos, parte de ellos para este año y otros terminados el año pasado.
The end of 2017 was loaded with many new projects, part of them for this year and others completed last year.

2018 llegó cargado de proyectos novedosos y algunos quizas un poco atrevidos, pero esto es lo que nos impulsa a trabajar un poco mas y superarnos ¿verdad?.
2018 came loaded with innovative projects and some maybe a bit daring, but this is what drives us to work a little more and improve ourselves, right ?.

En noviembre he abierto la tienda en la pagina de facebook y en diciembre ya comenzamos a recibir pedidos.A finales de noviembre llegamos a las 200 suscipciones y durante el mes de diciembre casi llegamos a las 500, y a dia de hoy estamos a punto de superar las 600 suscripciones!.  En resumen 2017 finalizo con bastante trabajo y mucha ilusion y el 2018 comienza de igual manera.
In November I opened the store on the facebook page and in December we started receiving orders. At the end of November we reached 200 subscriptions and during the month of December almost reached 500, and today we are about to overcome the 600 subscriptions !. In summary 2017 I finish with a lot of work and a lot of enthusiasm and 2018 starts in the same way.

Y para no perder el ritmo, aqui os dejo una tarjeta con la que participo en mi primer reto de este año.
And not to lose the rhythm, here I leave you 2 cards with which I participate in the first challenges of this year.

Esta tarjeta la elabore siguiendo las pautas del reto de Cuttlebug Mania, que tiene wue ver con flores y ademas hay que emplear troqueles o carpetas de embossing.
This card is made following the guidelines of the Cuttlebug Mania challenge, which has to do with flowers and also you have to use dies or embossing folders.

Como veis, en esta tarjeta he empleado troqueles de ovalos con borde cosido, un trquel para la palabra HELLO, y una carpeta de embosing para el fondo.
As you can see, on this card I used oval dies with stitched borders, a trquel for the word HELLO, and an embosing folder on the bottom.

Con esta tarjeta participo en los siguientes retos:
With this card I participate in the following challenges:

Flowers de Cuttlebug Mania
Reto de enero de Scrap, 12 pasos para no parar
Anything Goes Challenge No. 141 de inspiration destination challenge blog
#398 Anything goes with a twist de crafty catz