Cuanto tiempo!!
How long!!!
Por varios motivos me hetenido que tomar un descanso en el blog, aunque no he haya dejado de scrapear.....
For several reasons I have had to take a break in the blog, although I have not stopped scraping ...
Comienzo este nuevo ciclo con un album que he preparado para una persona muy especial para mi, pero antes me gustaria mostrar alguna de las cosas que he hecho dutrante este ultimo año....
I begin this new cycle with an album that I have prepared for a very special person for me, but first I would like to show some of the things that I have done during this last year ....
Un zoom de la pantalla, esta forrada con tela de lino y le he colocado cinta de encaje en los borde.
A zoom of the screen is lined with linen cloth and I have placed a lace strip at the edges.
Un zoom de la base, esta pintada con chalk paint gris piedra y despues apliqué chalk paint beige con pincel seco para dar el aspecto envejecido.
A zoom of the foot, It is painted with stone gray chalk paint and then I applied beige chalk paint with a dry brush to give the aged appearance.
Esta mesilla la he pintado con chalk paint gris antracita y he empleado cera oscura en algunas zonas para darle un aspecto envejecido.
I have painted this table with anthracite gray chalk paint and I have used dark wax in some areas to give it an aged appearance.
En otra entrega os mostraré mas cosas.
Y ahora.... el albun....In another post I will show you more things.
And now ... the album ...
Album y caja
Album and box
Lomo y parte posterior
Spine and back
Este es el interior del album, son 38 paginas con 18 sobres. Las medidas del album son 4" x 6" x 2"
This is the inside of the album, there are 38 pages with 18 envelopes. The measures of the album are 4 "x 6" x 2 "